The US borders are still closed to the majority of Europeans and that means I can't be in Las Vegas for MINExpo, which is taking place as I write this.
However, the end of August saw the Italian government relax its COVID restrictions. With the need to self-isolate for five days on arrival no longer necessary flights and accommodation were quickly booked and once I've finished writing this I'll be packing a bag ready to fly to Milan and make my way to Piacenza for Geofluid.
Having not travelled for work since the end of February 2020 it's taking me a while to remember what I need to pack. On a more positive note I am really looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues in the drilling industry and discovering all that is new. And I'm sure there will be a lot to see with Geofluid taking a place one-year later than expected.
If you're attending Geofluid and you see me wandering the show's aisles say hello and let me know what you think about GeoDrilling International.
I'll see you at Geofluid
The editor can't make it to Las Vegas MINExpo but he can now go to Italy Geofluid
This article is 3 years old. Images might not display.
The US borders are still closed to the majority of Europeans and that means I can't be in Las Vegas for MINExpo, which is taking place as I write this.
However, the end of August saw the Italian government relax its COVID restrictions. With the need to self-isolate for five days on arrival no longer necessary flights and accommodation were quickly booked and once I've finished writing this I'll be packing a bag ready to fly to Milan and make my way to Piacenza for Geofluid.
Having not travelled for work since the end of February 2020 it's taking me a while to remember what I need to pack. On a more positive note I am really looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues in the drilling industry and discovering all that is new. And I'm sure there will be a lot to see with Geofluid taking a place one-year later than expected.
If you're attending Geofluid and you see me wandering the show's aisles say hello and let me know what you think about GeoDrilling International.
Reasons for low contactor margins
Making hay while the sun shines
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