Breakthrough for a Terratec TBM on India's Chennai Metro Rail Phase-II Corridor 3 project
06 December 2023
Tunnelling on New Zealand wastewater infrastructure project reaches halfway point
30 November 2023
19 out of 38 emergency cross-passages on HS2's Chiltern tunnels already completed
24 November 2023
Multiple TBM from Herrenknecht have completed 49km of sewer excavation under Singapore
08 November 2023
HS2 has revealed the names of the latest two TBM which will be driving under London
26 October 2023
Breakthrough takes place on final tunnel of National Grid project under London
06 October 2023
Innovative techniques employed by Herrenknecht to move TBM at London river crossing site
06 September 2023
Breakthrough takes place under Glasgow on Scottish water main tunnelling project
01 September 2023
IQIP is proud to announce the launch of its newest Vibro-Hydrohammer solution
Mineral exploration needs increasingly advanced tools to improve efficiency, accuracy
Amid the energy transition, the exploration drilling space is set for new opportunities
Boart Longyear shifting the drilling operations to be more autonomous and drilling