Indian Metro expansion achieved through the use of multiple Robbins TBM
23 May 2023
A Robbins 6.4m diameter Double Shield TBM is being used in Nepal to bore a 13.1km headrace tunnel
30 November 2022
Big Tex achieves breakthrough after first-of-its-kind in-tunnel diameter change for TBM
12 August 2022
An examination of the ever-changing drilling industry in Turkey
28 June 2022
A larger TBM from Robbins solves problems encountered on the first phase of a US tunnelling project
13 June 2022
Tough conditions on Chinese job site overcome by Robbins TBM
08 April 2022
TBM from Robbins completesТ tunnelling drive for hydroelectric project in Chile
10 January 2022
Tunnelling records continue to be broken in Turkey by a contractor operating a Robbins TBM
16 December 2021
IQIP is proud to announce the launch of its newest Vibro-Hydrohammer solution
Mineral exploration needs increasingly advanced tools to improve efficiency, accuracy
Amid the energy transition, the exploration drilling space is set for new opportunities
Boart Longyear shifting the drilling operations to be more autonomous and drilling