Dandelion Geo, pushes the boundaries of heat pump efficiency and output using proprietary technology
19 September 2024
How DRILLMAX rigs are helping two US drilling businesses meet the demand for geothermal work
26 June 2023
Development underway for largest residential geothermal project in New York City
23 June 2023
In Ireland, deployment of geothermal technologies has been slow to date but is set to gather pace
06 June 2023
A development in Brooklyn is set to be New York State's largest geothermal residential building
02 May 2023
Tsurumi dewatering pumps provide reliable service at geothermal hot spa resort
08 July 2022
Disused coalmines set to provide geothermal heating for Northern England town
14 May 2021
Comacchio is meeting the needs of its Scandinavian customers with the launch of the new GEO 501 rig
15 February 2021
IQIP is proud to announce the launch of its newest Vibro-Hydrohammer solution
Mineral exploration needs increasingly advanced tools to improve efficiency, accuracy
Amid the energy transition, the exploration drilling space is set for new opportunities
Boart Longyear shifting the drilling operations to be more autonomous and drilling