Serious Labs will preview its Serious:XR virtual reality collaborative worksite platform at Bauma
28 March 2019
MBI Drilling Products has launched its patent-pending TTB - Through The Bit Plug
21 March 2019
How Ditch Witch enabled Fast Forward HDD to lay an oil pipe line in difficult terrain
07 March 2019
Canadian PM announces funding support for new geothermal power facility in Southeastern Saskatchewa
05 February 2019
Drilling company Geodrill's assets acquired by Lion One Metals to support Tuvatu gold project
17 January 2019
Mincon acquires Canadian drilling equipment distributor Pacific Bit
15 January 2019
DEEP Earth Energy Production has commenced drilling on its first geothermal power facility in Canada
30 November 2018
Epiroc is set to acquire Fordia Group, the Canadian manufacturer of exploration drilling tools
23 October 2018
IQIP is proud to announce the launch of its newest Vibro-Hydrohammer solution
Mineral exploration needs increasingly advanced tools to improve efficiency, accuracy
Amid the energy transition, the exploration drilling space is set for new opportunities
Boart Longyear shifting the drilling operations to be more autonomous and drilling