GDG secures ground modelling trifecta

GDG's ground modelling for offshore wind projects in the Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, and Atlantic Ocean

 Specialist offshore engineering consultancy, Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions (GDG), has recently been awarded three ground modelling contracts for international developers, progressing offshore wind projects

Specialist offshore engineering consultancy, Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions (GDG), has recently been awarded three ground modelling contracts for international developers, progressing offshore wind projects

These projects are each circa 1GW of capacity and are in the early development stages. GDG's role is to interpret geophysical datasets, integrate the geotechnical investigations and extrapolate the conditions across the site.

These recent project wins bring GDG's ground modelling portfolio to over 15 major developments in the past year, amounting to over 12GW of offshore wind capacity.

The ground modelling capability at GDG is bolstered by a number of strategic hires over the past three months, including most recently Arron Fox, who joins GDG as a senior geophysicist, with considerable experience in seismic interpretation. Fox is highly skilled in geophysical and geological evaluations and has a proven track record in multidisciplinary complex project delivery including 2D/3D seismic interpretation and visualisation, seismic data processing QC, data analysis and risk analysis. He has 11 years' experience in advanced geophysical analysis across a combination of industry and applied research projects.

The ground modelling team now comprises a range of expertise including geophysics, geotechnical engineering, geology, and geomatics. These skillsets are being applied to projects in Taiwan, Vietnam, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Japan and Ireland, which brings a range of ground conditions and geohazards for due consideration by GDG's experts.