Bauer India constructs the deepest diaphragm wall element in Patna

Bauer India sets a record for the deepest barrette foundation element ever constructed

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This is especially true in Patna, the capital of the state of Bihar in northeastern India. The goal of the Patna Metro subway project is to provide the inhabitants of this metropolis with a reliable, efficient and sustainable public transportation system that shortens travel times, improves the traffic situation and reduces road congestion. In short: a project that will contribute to the general development and modernisation of the public transportation network in Patna.

Apart from subway lines and stations, the construction project also includes elevated railway routes along with train depots and the associated infrastructure.

Foundations for subway stations 

Bauer Engineering India Private Ltd was awarded the contract for diaphragm wall work at a total of four stations as well as for a retrieval shaft.

We are excited to contribute to this groundbreaking project

"We are excited to contribute to this groundbreaking project," Yogeshwaran Purushothaman, project manager at Bauer India, said. "Our diaphragm wall elements act as solid and permanent foundations on which the new subway stations will be constructed."

The work started in November 2022 and is expected to be completed by March 2024. Over this period, a total of 636 diaphragm wall/barrette elements will be constructed for all four subway stations. As impermeable/structural retaining structure, they provide stability and structural support.

Among other equipment, a Bauer GB 34 hydraulic grab, a Bauer GB 50 and a DHG grab on a Bauer MC 96 duty-cycle crane are being used. 

75 m deep barrette foundation element 

In June, Bauer India was able to set an extraordinary record during this project - the deepest barrette foundation element ever constructed at Patna Metro, which was installed at a depth of 75m using a hydraulic grab.

"This is a milestone in the history of Bauer India," said the project manager, since this depth is extremely unusual for excavation with a hydraulic grab. The remaining diaphragm wall elements will be installed up to a depth of 55m.

The Bauer India team has been confronted with a range of challenges in the process. For instance, the very different geological soil profiles across the four sites and retaining verticality during work require the utmost attention. What is more, all work has to be executed under very limited spatial conditions within the city.

"This project is an absolute highlight for the entire team," explained Purushothaman. "We are unbelievably proud and motivated to master all the challenges involved."

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