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Giuseppe Caselli, CEO of the Trevi Group, said: "Having obtained these certifications confirms Trevi's commitment to sustainability through a process of continuous improvement, especially in some key areas such as respect for human rights, respect for labour law, protection against child exploitation and guarantees of safety and health in the workplace, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining along the entire value chain of the company's activities."
SA8000 Certification for Social Accountability
The SA8000 certification of Social Accountability International (SAI) is a management system focused on working conditions. It is also called ethical or social certification because it requires the company to address aspects of worker protection that go beyond occupational health and safety and include fair wages, prevention of child labour, compliance with the requirements of national collective agreements, freedom of association, and prevention of any form of discrimination. SA8000 guarantees compliance with the best international guidelines and ethical rules defined by the world's most influential organisations for protecting human and labour rights, such as the ILO (International Labour Organisation) conventions and the relevant UN conventions. It is an international ethical certification of a voluntary nature that commits companies to an audit of their supply chains, triggering a virtuous circle throughout the entire process. It is issued following a verification process of transparent and measurable requirements.
The ISO 30415:2021 Certification for Diversity and Inclusion
Having always paid great attention to the working environment, Trevi Spa has obtained the Certification for Diversity and Inclusion for the effectiveness of the actions taken to create a diversity-inclusive working environment. Issued by DNV according to the international standard ISO 30415:2021 on ‘Human Resource Management Diversity and Inclusion', the standard has global validity. It is granted at the end of a verification process of transparent and measurable requirements.
The standard aligns with the principles of the Global Compact and some of the most important United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, such as gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and inequality reduction. It is inspired by the principles of human rights at work.
Since its foundation, Trevi has promoted and supported the values of diversity and inclusion. These elements are essential for a company that works in each of the five continents, often in contact with unique realities, different peoples and cultures. Thus, diversity has always inspired Trevi, contributing to innovation and value creation with positive effects on business and making it possible to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. In the same way, inclusiveness is fundamental to guarantee fairness and equal opportunities to everyone in the organisation, protecting and enhancing their uniqueness. It is an assumption of responsibility that requires the constant contribution of the entire organisation in terms of policies, processes, organisational practices and the conscious and unconscious behaviour of individuals.
The UNI/PdR 125:2022 Certification for Gender Equality
The purpose of the UNI/PdR 125:2022 Certification for Gender Equality is to acknowledge the willingness of organisations to adopt a systemic approach and cultural change capable of creating inclusive and equal working environments. The certification body considered six areas to assess the organisation's inclusiveness and respect for gender equality: culture and strategy, governance, human resources processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, pay equity by gender, protection of parenthood and work-life balance.
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