Colorado School of Mines and BHP partner for Global Energy Future Initiative

Colorado School of Mines and BHP have announced a founding partnership to support the Mines' Global Energy Future Initiative (GEFI).

 Colorado School of Mines and BHP have announced a founding partnership to support the Mines’ Global Energy Future Initiative

Colorado School of Mines and BHP have announced a founding partnership to support the Mines’ Global Energy Future Initiative

The GEFI is a science and engineering framework for collaboration and ideation around the creation of a secure, resilient and sustainable energy future worldwide. Through technical research, education, workshops, seminars, public symposia and more, the initiative connects energy innovators, industry leaders and policy makers from academia, industry, government and civil society to develop energy solutions that will shape decision-making now and for decades to come.

With its support announced being announced, BHP becomes a founding partner of the initiative to drive innovative sustainable energy solutions.

Through this partnership, BHP will sponsor research projects and participate in steering committees and working groups, adding industry expertise to solve complex problems. In exchange for its expertise, BHP will gain access to cutting-edge research critical to building a sustainable future for the mining industry. Through this partnership, BHP and GEFI aim to develop renewable, secure, resilient, and adaptive energy systems and infrastructure, fostering worldwide economic development while reducing environmental impacts.

"As decarbonisation, or the pursuit of net zero greenhouse gas emissions, draws sharper focus from businesses and governments worldwide, the mining industry remains central to that challenge. The Global Energy Future Initiative is a terrific project that is aligned with BHP's focus on innovation, exploration and technology to help solve this challenge," said Nima Brooks, BHP head of strategy and innovation.

"What we produce is vital for the world to sustainably develop, and many of our products will help make the transition to lower emissions energy possible. BHP provides minerals that are essential resources the world needs for decarbonization, and we are committed to doing so sustainably," Brooks added.

Colorado School of Mines launched GEFI to harness the university's strong expertise across the spectrum of energy-related research at a time of ambitious government and industry initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and diversify energy, all while the world is facing significant growth in energy demand from emerging and developing economies. Colorado School of Mines has an exceptional track record of solving tough scientific and engineering problems across the gamut of energy and environmental fields, enjoying a hard-earned reputation as an unbiased problem-solver. 

Specifically, the Global Energy Future Initiative works within and across the most important areas of energy innovation: low carbon and renewable energy, carbon capture, utilisation and storage, oil and gas, supply chain transparency, minerals and metals, and clean water innovation.

"The transition to a net-zero carbon emission energy economy is perhaps one of the biggest technical challenges the world has faced. Doing so in a way that is sustainable and supports health and prosperity for all communities is critical," said John Bradford, vice president for global initiatives at Mines. "We are thrilled to partner with BHP to help bring about this change."

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