Australian GEMCO drilling contract for Boart Longyear

Groote Eylandt Mining Company (GEMCO) has awarded a three-year drilling contract to Boart Longyear

 Boart Longyear at Groote Eylandt

Boart Longyear at Groote Eylandt

To continue to develop the mine, Boart Longyear is providing 16 employees including fitters and full-time drilling supervisors to operate two reverse circulation rigs. The crews will be responsible for drilling 4,800 holes, approximately 115,200m over the three-year contract.

"This contract was awarded based on Boart Longyear's strong safety and productivity performance. We are very happy to start drilling at GEMCO and to start building on our relationship with the team on site in Australia," said John Kirkwood, regional director, Drilling Services, APAC.