Bauer Umwelt builds geothermal plant

Increased use of geothermal heat is a possible starting point when it comes to reducing the consumption of fossil fuels in the building and heating sector, believes Dr. Frank Tidden, head of sales in the Bauer Umwelt division of the Bauer Resources GmbH: “A considerable amount of geothermal energy lies dormant underground, and can make an important contribution to an effective heating revolution.”

 The Bauer Umwelt division of the Bauer Resources has recently completed project in Karlsruhe to install around 404 geothermal probes to both heat and cool buildings

The Bauer Umwelt division of the Bauer Resources has recently completed project in Karlsruhe to install around 404 geothermal probes to both heat and cool buildings

The Bauer Umwelt division of the Bauer Resources knows all about geothermal plants, as a recently completed project in Karlsruhe demonstrates. There, in the middle of a technology park in the fan-shaped city, a new administrative building is being built for Vector Informatik GmbH. Bauer was responsible for the trade ‘geothermal energy'.

As part of the project, around 404 geothermal probes were drilled up to 35m deep, four cement distribution shafts were built and connection lines were laid and connected.

The highlight of the system is that underground energy can be used in two ways, in other words for both the heating and cooling of the building.

"In summer the brine brings coolness up and transfers the warmth down into the ground to be stored for the coming winter," explains Bauer Umwelt project manager Nico Beldermann. "The advantages: badly ventilated or draughty offices, high heating costs in winter and overworked air conditioners in summer are a thing of the past."

The Bauer part of the project was concluded at the end of June. After its completion, the new six-story building will not only have an innovative and sustainable heating and cooling system, it will also offer space for 600 workplaces, a connected parking garage with around 200 parking spaces, a multi-functional event area and a canteen.