Climeon gets approval at first geothermal site

Climeon has received its first geothermal site approval. Located at Kopsvatn 1, outside Fludir in Iceland, Varmaorka is the first geothermal power plant to use Climeon’s Heat Power system and it has been approved through a site acceptance test (SAT).

 Varmaorka is the first geothermal power plant to use Climeon’s Heat Power system and it has been approved through a site acceptance test

Varmaorka is the first geothermal power plant to use Climeon’s Heat Power system and it has been approved through a site acceptance test

In June last year, Climeon delivered four Heat Power modules to Varmaorka's first site Kopsvatn. Since then, Climeon and Varmaorka have been working together to build the surrounding power plant, install Climeon's machines and control system for remote monitoring, and optimise the whole power plant.

During the SAT Varmaorka and Climeon tested the Heat Power modules capacity and power output, the control system that Climeon has built enabling remote monitoring and operation of the site.

"It has been an exciting project and we have been faced with a number of challenges on the way. I am very proud to have reached this milestone in collaboration with Varmaorka," said Anna Arvidsson, delivery project manager at Climeon.

Commenting on behalf of Varmaorka, CEO Ingvar Gardarsson said: "Now that we have the first site up and running, we can take the learnings from this site and roll out more small-scale geothermal power plants at a higher speed."

The positive SAT result also marks the start of a two-month testing period before complete site hand-over. For two months Climeon and Varmaorka will evaluate the continuous operation of the power plant. After this period, Climeon will do a final site hand-over to Varmaorka, meaning that the power plant will have taken about 12 months from ground-breaking to hand-over.