Socotec's marine ground investigation for Scottish Water

Socotec has started work on a six-week marine ground investigation project in the Firth of Forth for Scottish Water at Portobello and Fisherrow near Edinburgh.

 SOCOTEC_Portobello Ground Investigation

SOCOTEC_Portobello Ground Investigation

The nearshore marine ground investigation project will help inform design and construction options to improve bathing water quality in the area. The works have been designed to determine the geotechnical and chemical properties of the seabed deposits, as well as the underlying superficial soils and bedrock.

To complete the marine investigation, an 18m by 18m modular jack-up barge has been constructed and loaded with geotechnical plant and equipment at the Port of Burntisland. A support vessel towed the barge across the Firth of Forth to the designated work zone off Portobello beach.

Socotec's team of geotechnical engineers and drilling operatives will construct nine boreholes using cable percussion boring and rotary drilling rigs via an opening in the floor of the barge. A series of in situ strength and stiffness tests will also be undertaken using a cone penetration unit as well as the collection of marine sediment using a vibrocorer.

Samples collected during borehole construction will be taken to Socotec's in-house independent laboratories, where geotechnical and geoenvironmental testing and marine sediment analysis will inform Scottish Water's future work in the area to help improve bathing water quality.

"With Scottish Water's vision and customers at the forefront of our minds, Socotec has designed a robust and effective project delivery strategy using a wide range of our in-house services and expertise," said Dr Keith Salt, commercial director (Scotland), Infrastructure & Energy, Socotec. "Following the completion of this ground investigation project, Socotec look forward to a further opportunity to offer support services such as material testing and environmental monitoring."