Soilmec launches new medium-size piling rig

Soilmec revealed its new SR-65 EVO rig at the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE) 2018 in Orlando, Florida, US, at the beginning of March

Soilmec launches new medium-size piling rig

As with all the new Soilmec ‘blue line' rigs, the latest SR-65 is designed to highlight simplified structures, smooth proportions and high performance. The SR-65 is best suited for large-diameter pile (LDP) segmental casing technology and very deep continuous flight auger (CFA) piles, achieving these targets by using a compact structure, a heavily reworked geometry that features a smart transport configuration, a new range of rotary heads and an updated electronic system.

Alessandro Ditillo, large-diameter pile product line manager, said: "The SR-65 EVO represented an ambitious challenge for our team of developers.

"The degree of innovation we reached during this project makes the SR-65 EVO, with all its features, a unique machine in the actual landscape of the equipment for foundation engineering. One feature above all: the SR-65 EVO can be transported with the kelly mounted on the machine, with a total weight under 65t and height under 3.5m."

Stefano Cordella, sales director, added: "The SR-65 EVO is a unique rig in its segment. Soilmec managed to coordinate as well as possible transportability, power and versatility.

"In terms of torque, pull up and clearance, the SR-65 EVO ranks on top among the available options in the market and represents the ideal choice for the execution of the segmental casing technology.

"The modular mast engineered for this unit allows to set the machine in LHR configuration by simply removing the upper element thus reducing the overall height to just 8.5m."