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The heart of the system is the fully remote-controlled tunnel boring machine AVNS350XB, which has an excavation diameter of 505mm and is designed for drive lengths of more than 1,000m. The machine can keep to the planned alignment with high-precision and thus cross safely under existing infrastructure such as pipelines, roads, railways or smaller bodies of water.
The tunnelling machine is equipped with a jet pump and an integrated hydraulic power unit. With conventional methods, space restrictions limited muck removal over longer sections and as a result also limited the drive lengths possible. Through the use of the jet pump for transporting the muck, up to 10 times longer tunnelling distances can be realised at high speeds in the small diameter range.
The installation of underground cables using the E-Power Pipe method is a ground-conserving alternative to the conventional open-cut method. Due to the trenchless installation method, earth movements are reduced at the places where HVDC cables have to be connected later. This can mean a reduction of about 90 per cent in relation to the entire alignment. Installation takes place without any environmental impact over long distances since the surfaces and the soil structure are left largely untouched. The use of construction machinery and trucks is also significantly reduced in this way, as are noise and emissions.