Drilling programme starts at Maybell Uranium Project

A 40-hole, 4000m drill programme has begun at Global Uranium and Enrichment's Colorado project

Drilling has commenced at Global Uranium and Enrichment’s project in Colorado, US. Credit: Global Uranium and Enrichment

Drilling has commenced at Global Uranium and Enrichment’s project in Colorado, US. Credit: Global Uranium and Enrichment

Global Uranium and Enrichment Ltd has announced that it has commenced its maiden exploration drill programme at its Maybell Uranium Project in Colorado, US.

The 40-hole, 4000m drill programme is expected to be completed within 30-45 days and has been designed to evaluate shallow high-grade mineralisation and test reported large lower-grade mineralisation in the Lower Browns Formation.

Global Uranium and Enrichment managing director Andrew Ferrier said: "The commencement of drilling at our Maybell Uranium Project is a key milestone as we work rapidly to advance the project and plan to establish a JORC Mineral Resource Estimate. Our extensive review of the historic drill hole database has indicated potential for unmined mineralisation around the historic open pits, which supported our initial Exploration Target.

"The fundamentals and need for uranium remain strong with constraints in the market continuing to amplify in recent months. With the rapid progress being made across our portfolio, Global Uranium is well-positioned to continue to advance and deliver into this growing uranium market."